Tips for Managing Remote Employees

Is your business new to the world of working remotely? Industries and employees of all kinds have had to adjust to home offices during the COVID-19 pandemic, and managing those employees can be difficult to navigate. There can be various challenges for any sized company on making the switch to working remotely, which is why we’re going to go over some tips on how to effectively manage remote employees.

Communication is Key

Communication can be a challenging transition from the office to completely remote, as there isn’t going to be an immediate response like you would get in the workplace. Establishing a system from the start can help maintain consistent communication for all managers and employees. There are a few options for communication channels, Slack or Microsoft Teams are good for individual or group messaging, as well as setting up video conference calls. Being home also enables workers to get up from their computer and do other things, so it’s important to communicate if you’re going to be stepping away from your workspace, and when you plan to return.

Keep Normal Schedules

Just because everyone is remote doesn’t mean you have to change up your entire schedule. If you normally have set meetings or check-ins, keep them, even if you don’t have a lot to cover. Those meetings can keep the communication flowing, even if it’s only once a week. Video conferencing has been very popular, and it’s a good way to check in with your employees to see how they’re feeling.

Pay Attention to Employees

Going off of the last point above, it’s important to pay attention to your employees during this new setting. Any decreases in work performance might be a sign that it’s time to have a meeting to figure out how to keep them on track. Setting up a 1 on 1 meeting can help identify the source of the problem and constructively work on any issues together.

Providing Tools and Technology

Many employees might lack the appropriate resources needed to work remotely that are usually accessible at the office. If your company has the resources to supply laptops with access to servers or databases, it could be a better option than using their personal devices to avoid working on an un-secure network.

Ask for Feedback

If working remotely is new for your company, it’s a good idea to get feedback from your employees regularly to find out what’s working and what’s not. This can help you pinpoint areas that need solutions so that work can be efficient and productive. Being open to feedback is also important to allow employees to voice their opinions and address anything that might be bothering them about the transition.

Recognize Good Work

Working remotely takes away the human connection that is present in an office, so validating employees on their hard work is critical. Allocating time to recognize employee contributions and success is important for employee morale and can encourage them to work harder. It also gives them an incentive to stay at the company, and their work isn’t going unnoticed.

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