Top Ways to Get More Productivity: #3

Top 8 ways to get More Productivity: #3
Use Performance Feedback. We like to think of performance feedback as a concept.

1) Do People know…

  • What their job is and how they fit into it?
  • That their performance is quantified as opposed to undefined?
  • How to earn more money based on what they do?

2) Do People get…

  • Timely feedback from supervisors or managers on just how they are doing?
  • Effective help on how to change or evolve?
  • Help so they learn and develop more knowledge and skills?

So far, this seems simple and logical. People know what they have to do in order of priority and that they will learn and earn as they perform. Parts of 1 and 2 are taken together as a concept. They are a unit to provide that there is basis for priority, performance, learning and earning.

Unfortunately, many employers don’t use job descriptions. Or the format they use is so long and cumbersome that many supervisors don’t include them as a performance feed back tool. Hence they usually don’t provide the supervisors and employees a mutual platform for performance, learning and earning.

Here is a simple alternative to begin effective performance feedback:

People usually work well if they are earning and learning.

So, tie the job description together with a performance standard, and work priority.

Jointly with each employee, list the top ten items to be accomplished by that employee in order of priority from #1 (most important) to #10 (least important – if there is such a thing). Do this “Top Ten” jointly with an employee at the start of the year or period. Both the employee and the supervisor (or manager) must mutually agree just what these tasks should be. Be realistic and allow some give and take. Just where is that employee today? What are the expected standards? What is possible with 100% effort, etc. Make sure expected performance is quantified.

Agree that each of the items are to have specific quantifiable and measurable goals.

Example of the first item:

1) Make plastic widgets. The employee is responsible for the design, manufacture and production of plastic widgets at a rate of one per hour without defect at 39 cents per widget total manufacturing cost.

The employee knows that his number one priority and job is…to make widgets at a certain rate within certain parameters. It is in writing, both agreed to it. It’s performance orientated and it’s simple. Both parties are clear about the goal. The top ten list should be placed in a location where it is easily referenced. The goals are realistic. They are attainable. The job is rational. The list can be updated easily to accommodate changes in priorities and business conditions.

Make things easy and people will listen and actually perform work that the job requires and that the company needs.

Then make sure the employee has the collateral training to ensure the tools and skills are enhanced to perform and grow. This allows you both to help each other on tasks that are necessary for both the company and the employee to prosper.

Now, periodically manage these priorities and see just how the employee is performing. Adjust, amend, alter, exchange and evolve. Watch performance grow, because both you and the employee are now working toward the same agreed upon goals.

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